The new policies will give you spooky ideas, You can literally literally get your money back after playing and completing the game you purchased and request for a refund, and they will do it. The new simplifies and broadens the conditions below which you can profit your maintenance backing after making a lessening. "You can demand a refund for approaching any pro not far and wide-off away off from Steam for any marginal note. Maybe your PC doesn't meet the hardware requirements; maybe you bought a game by error; maybe you played the title for an hour and just didn't back it," the policy now states. "It doesn't event." Steam The updated policy applies not just to games, but moreover DLC, in-game purchases, pre-purchases, bundles, and even funds added to your Steam Wallet. The unaided conditions, generally speaking, is that the refund demand must be made within two weeks of the indigenous obtain, and the content in ask must have less than two hours...